Digital Agency Services: MPowheard Agency

I have completed miscellaneous projects under my digital agency’s umbrella, including social media templates and e-commerce stores.


MPowheard Agency LLC

Project date 

Began in December 2020, and is still active.

My responsibilities

Founder, Creative Director, and sole owner

MPowheard agency services offered

Project Summary

Owning my own digital services agency has created more opportunities for creative pursuits. I’ve slowly learned to say no more and take initiative on the projects I want to do.

It’s allowed me to grow professionally in many different ways. I’ve learned more about business, finance, and important soft skills. This is in addition to growing a more plentiful portfolio of fun, interesting projects.

MPowheard agency services offered


The challenge

I wanted more autonomy, freedom and security in my profession. Also, the limits of a traditional IRA - if I was to go the consulting route - were going to be constraining. Further, I wasn't always being valued for, or allowed to work with, my true strengths in the work places I was at. I let go of what I couldn't control, and saught something more in my career that I could control.

The challenge

I wanted more autonomy, freedom and security in my profession. Also, the limits of a traditional IRA - if I was to go the consulting route - were going to be constraining. Further, I wasn't always being valued for, or allowed to work with, my true strengths in the work places I was at. I let go of what I couldn't control, and saught something more in my career that I could control.



Although consulting or having an agency doesn’t really make one’s job secure, it does provide an extra layer of protection by giving you more options. And it did accomplish giving me more autonomy and room for professional growth. I was able to learn from side work in my spare time, and gain new skills that I could use in my full-time pursuits. Lastly, but not leastly, there's a whole host of tax-advantaged, less-limited retirement account options available to small business owners that are not available to the rest of the public.


With MPowheard Agency, I was able to invest in passion projects like shewhitepapers - which gave me very little to no ROI - but taught me a lot about social media, hiring, marketing, audio, graphics, and cryptocurrency.

I helped small businesses like Mil’s Diner in Milpitas, California, grow their online presence with a static website that marketed and provided essential information to their customers.

I created my own education initiatives, like @cramcryptos on instagram, where I was able to combine my love for visual design and learning the social media platform’s ever-changing algorithm with teaching myself more about cryptocurrency. Also, since blockchain is a bit of a black hole to the majority of the public, I felt I was helping spread wider understanding.

My husband also had his own custom carbon fiber part business that he wanted to open an online store for. I was able to create it for him using WordPress’s WooCommerce extension. I learned more about e-commerce setup, including multi-product and variant structure.

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